Mass Flow Controller & Meter


Fast Delivery
Optimeze for Semiconductor
Accuracy (100% MOLBLOC calibration)
50 SLPM to 100 SLPM N2 wide range 0-5 VDC Signal
Resistant to contamination clogging     Adjustable, normally closed solenoid valve
Corrosion resistant materials(sus 316) Small size
Low price

The i-500 Series Mass Flow Controllers and Flowmeters Accurately and reliably measure and control the mass flow rate of gases up to 100 slpm of nitrogen equivalents. The i-600 offers a 15-pin D connector with optional 4 -20 mA DC signals.The i-500M are flowmeters with the same specifications and dimensions as the i-500C respectively.

The i-500 series elastomer-sealed mass flow controller accurately and reliably measures and controls gas flows based on mass. It’s thermal differential flow sensor is independent of pressure and temperature changes, unlike volumetric based flow devices that must measure pressure and temperature in order to report a mass flow. It provides fast setpoint response over a wide operating range and remains linear independent of gas type. For applications requiring precise gas flow control, the i-500 series delivers outstanding versatility and performance.

Process Values
Designed to meet the exacting requirements of semiconductor processes and equipment, the i-500 series models are premium quality elastomer-sealed mass flow controllers and meter. These mass flow controllers combine proven components and techniques with innovative concepts in both mechanical and electrical design.

i-500 series models thermal differential flow sensor provides highly accurate and repeatable mass measurement of gas flow. Because the sensor measures the mass flow of gas, it is independent of pressure and temperature changes. This ensure that flows are consistent in different systems or locations.

PID On-Board Control
On-board PID control circuitry allows the i-500 to control the gas flow to a desired setpoint. A command setpoint of 0-5 VDC is sent to the i-500 which compares it to the flow reading and then modulates the control valve to achieve the desired flow rate. The response to setpoint command is less then 2-3 second. A 0-5 VDC output signal is returned which indicates gas flow. Optional 4-20 mA DC current signal are available on the i-500C and i-500M version along with a 15-pin D connector.

Corrosion resistant materials
Materials in the gas path include 316 and 446 stainless steel and Teflon with a selection of viton, Kalrez or Neoprene seals.
These materials permit use of corrosive gases, such as HCL, CL2 and NH3.

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